Crafting Wild

We list fun crafts to do for you and your kids!

Category: Food & Treats

Total 67 Posts

Fish Pillow

Fold burlap in half, making it 12″ x 23″. Stitch 1″ seams on both ends and across long side, leaving about 8″ open. Turn other side out. Cut a piece of bright blue felt 3 1/2″ square; position in diamond shape for head, on front of burlap about 1 1/2″

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Splat Mat

1.Place vinyl adhesive sheets on top of the fabric. Flip so that the wrong side of the fabric is facing upward. 2.With iron set on medium-heat, press the fabric and vinyl together. Place the paper on the bottom of the vinyl and don’t leave the iron on long at all.

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Soap Gifts

Spray the molds you intend to use lightly with vegetable oil. Cut the glycerin into 1″ cubes with a sharp knife. Fill 1 cup measuring cup with cubes and microwave on high until cubes are melted. Note: This normally takes about 1 minute but microwave ovens may vary. Pour the

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Peanut Pals

Color the shells with water paints and let dry. Glue some small scraps of yarn on the top of the thinnest end of the peanuts for hair. With markers, draw a face on the peanuts head. Cut the pipe cleaner into small pieces for arms and legs. Glue the arms

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Seashell Wind Chimes

Glue each shell to the end of a short piece of yarn. Use liquid white glue. Let dry overnight. Punch eight holes equally spaced on the top of a plastic coffee-can lid. Use a sharp pencil or a paper punch. Hold the lid with the rim facing up. Push the

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