Crafting Wild

We list fun crafts to do for you and your kids!

Category: Food & Treats

Total 67 Posts

Egg Carton Flowers for Mother’s Day

Egg Carton Flowers are a nice kid’s craft for Mother’s Day. First cut out four sections of the egg carton. Make sure you trim around the edges for a rounder shape to resemble the petals of a flower. Next, let your kids paint their flowers. After the paint has dried,

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Potpourri Pie

Mix flour, salt, water into a bowl. Mix until workable. Knead dough well. Roll out into about 1/4 inch thick. Cut 6 1/2 wide strips. Put dough to side. Flip pie plate upside down and put 3 strips going each way to form a weaved lattice shape. This will give

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Mother’s Day Coupons

Cut cardboard hearts out of heavy construction paper. Write messages on the hearts to tell mom what she can collect when she hands the coupons in. Some examples might be: This coupon good for 1 big hug This coupon good for 1 kiss This coupon good for This coupon good

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Mother’s Day Placemats

Cut out pictures from old mother’s day cards or magazines. Make sure they’re pictures of thing you think your mom would like. Glue the pictures onto heavy construction paper leaving room in between to draw your own pictures or add in little sayings for special poems for mom. Write your

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